Caffeination Station is a new venture that brings the coffee house experience right to your door with our self-contained mobile coffee cart. You provide the electrical outlet and we provide the espresso, along with delicious syrups and fresh milk to satisfy our customers’ individual requests. We endeavor to satisfy our customers and gain your trust and repeat patronage.

I remember coffee being a part of my life from a young age. Before home coffee makers, the daily morning sound of the tea kettle whistling on the stove meant my dad was making his instant Nescafe’ coffee. When my brother and I would visit our grandparents, my grandmother would make us “coffee”, which consisted of a small amount of coffee and a lot of milk and sugar. It made us feel grown up. Of course, college consisted of huge amounts of coffee, instant and otherwise, and serving in the military, the coffee pot was on all day, usually thick enough to stand a spoon. Which brings me to the present, and a desire to create, enjoy, and share a good cup of coffee.

Caffeination Station is not only a desire to bring people together around a good cup of coffee, but a fun way to surprise employees and guests with something unique and satisfying. I realize that a “good cup of coffee” can be subjective when it comes to individual taste. However, I strive to serve freshly ground and brewed coffee beans that people will enjoy, with either a “simple” espresso, or a flavored latte. A drink that makes them say “Ahh! Just what I wanted”. I use Carraro espresso beans, a blend of Central American Arabica, Brazilian Santos, Indian and Indonesian Robusta varieties, that gives this espresso extra body. This blend has medium caffeine with low acidity and moderate body & sweetness.